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Quiet Agony: Chronic Pain & Mental Health

Remember some physical pain you have had in the past. Hitting your funny bone, a sprain, headache, stomachache, or even a broken bone. There might have been some initial intense pain; choice swear words, a certain amount of time to […]

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Surviving Grief Overload

Grief is a journey that we will travel eventually in our lifetimes. The loss of a family member or friend, changes in our own physical health or to those of our loved ones as well as the ambiguous losses of […]

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Man’s Best Friend (And Therapist)

Every other Saturday at the Calli Institute in Maple Grove, Otis greets patients at the door and offers support and attentive listening during therapy sessions. As the official Calli Institute therapy dog, Otis has worked side-by-side with his owner and […]

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Sometimes all it takes is listening, with an open heart.

Yesterday morning I sat in my office and looked into the eyes of a man who had lost his son to suicide. That was not the way my morning was supposed to have gone but then again, that is not […]

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